
Where are you based?

I am currently based in Birmingham, UK.

How long have you been cosplaying for?

Since 2012!

Do you take costume commissions?

Not currently. As much as I wish I could create wonderful costumes for everyone, I simply don’t have the time! I also really enjoy making and modelling costumes myself at this stage in my life.

I don’t take personal commissions for individuals, however I am open to commissions from companies, such as creating a prop or costume for myself as promotional content.

Do you have any formal education in sewing/costuming?

Nope, I’m completely self-taught! My Masters degree is in Mechanical Engineering but I am now a full-time cosplayer.

What advice would you give to first-time cosplayers?

Start small! Don’t try to learn everything at once. Pick a simple costume that you’re passionate about, and focus on learning the necessary basic crafting skills. There are countless cosplay tutorials these days across multiple platforms, but my best advice would be to check out YouTube or just Google it!